Week 2
From February 24, 2023
While college is expensive, and leisure time can be spread thin, traveling while being a full-time student is far from impossible.
“ All Investing isn’t Good Investing ? ”
By Jaylen Allen
The most important thing we think about when it comes to money is what to do with it. In the previous article, I introduced the idea of investing. However, you might be thinking, “Well Shoot. I know what investing is but aren't there good and bad investments?”. Absolutely!
Adopt an Animal Spotlight
By Sarena Berg
Shafee’s Solutions
This is the first in a 12-part series about Individuals who are having trouble with their mental health and how to deal with it. I intend to research or conduct interviews with other athletes in
order to discover how they handle mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and others.