Week 1
From February 17, 2023
"While college is expensive, and leisure
time can be spread thin, traveling while
being a full-time student is far from
"Do you believe money rules our world? What would you do without it? Or what would you do if you had a lot of it? Simple questions with pretty simple answers, huh?"
Flooding in Marin County
By Ariana Nahidi
In December of 2022 and the beginning of 2023,
Marin County experienced flooding due to an increase in rain. This rain came from storms in other areas of the world. The effects of these floods are noticed by both local and global communities.
Copenhagen’s Comin’ Through
By Abisai Garcia
"Copenhagen is one of the typically overlooked fashion scenes, while still having just as much beauty to share as the classics like Milan, Paris, and New York. With its rich culture and reputation as the “City of Fairytales”, Copenhagen does its best to carry its notoriety into its fashion scene."
Blazona’s Business: Money Management 101 - Tips For Staying on Top of Your Finances
By Jake Blazona
Money Management 101 - Tips For Staying on Top of Your Finances
Adopt an Animal Spotlight
By Sarena Berg
Bay Area's Newest Climbing Gym
By Mallory Thoma
Shafee’s Solutions
This is the first in a 12-part series about Individuals who are having trouble with their mental health and how to deal with it. I intend to research or conduct interviews with other athletes in
order to discover how they handle mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and others.